Servicio de atención psicológica

Find professional support and enhance your well-being through our psychological care service.

Our team of psychotherapists accompanies you in your personal growth process, providing you with the necessary support to overcome difficult times.

Contact us today and find out how we can help you!

Sessions at home or in our offices

Online sessions

First visit free of charge

Psychotherapy. A therapeutic resource that will help you regain psycho-emotional balance

Expert professionals in providing personalized support for adolescents and adults

Fins Ara puts at your disposal a team of professionals in the field of mental health. Our psychotherapists provide specialized and comprehensive support to address your psychological and emotional needs. We work with adolescents, adults and seniors, adapting our care to each stage of life.

Our therapeutic approach encompasses a variety of issues and conflicts that can arise at different stages of life, from developmental crises to relationship conflicts, losses, breakups and professional challenges. We are here to help you find solutions and overcome obstacles that limit your personal growth.

Furthermore, starting a psychotherapeutic process can help you better cope with stress and the situations that trigger it, combat anxiety, phobias, somatizations and post-traumatic consequences, as well as help you better manage physical illnesses and overcome grief and trauma.

The benefits of psychotherapy include a greater understanding of yourself, more effective management of emotions, improving relationships and strengthening resilience.

We offer face-to-face psychotherapy at home or in our offices, and also online.

At Fins Ara we want to be part of your personal growth. 

Contact us and coordinate your first session at no cost.

Frequent questions:

Telephone, instant messaging or email service hours are Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 

Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 20:00. 

The price per session is €60. Nevertheless,The fees will be agreed with the therapist according to the possibilities of each consultant. Furthermore, it is important to highlight that the first consultation has NO cost. Let's talk and adapt the process to your needs!

We offer the opportunity for a first session at no cost. This will allow you to establish a first contact to discuss your needs, objectives and the work plan. It is a valuable first step in starting the therapy process and deciding if it is right for you.

Important: The in-person session at home or in our offices is only possible within the Barcelona region. If you are outside of Barcelona, ​​we can offer you the online psychotherapy modality. la sesión presencial a domicilio o en nuestros consultorios sólo es posible dentro de la comarca de Barcelona. En el caso de que estés fuera de Barcelona, podemos ofrecerte la modalidad de psicoterapia online.

Yes, it is possible to apply for subsidies for various situations, such as unemployment, single-parent families, university students, people with disabilities, elderly people, among others. This allows prices to be established adapted to the possibilities of each consultant.

Payment for sessions is made on the day of the appointment. You can make the payment in cash, by bank transfer or bizum.

The days and hours of care are agreed between therapist and consultant, with the aim of adapting the needs and time possibilities as best as possible. This allows therapy sessions to be established that are convenient and accessible to ensure maximum comfort and flexibility in the therapeutic process. Once you have completed the form or requested the session through the store, we will contact you to coordinate the time of the first visit.

In-person sessions at home and in our offices are possible within the Barcelona region. Outside the region, only online sessions are possible.

Each session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, providing adequate space to address therapeutic needs and objectives.

Some of its benefits are:

  • Greater self-knowledge and self-understanding.
  • Development of coping and resilience skills.
  • Improvement of interpersonal relationships.
  • Relief of emotional discomfort and distress.
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety.
  • Increased self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Overcoming negative patterns of thought and behavior.
  • Promotion of positive changes in everyday life.

Psychological therapy is a process of emotional support and exploration guided by a duly certified psychology professional. It is based on confidential and secure conversations, where the specific problems and challenges faced by each individual are addressed. Through appropriate therapeutic techniques, we seek to understand the underlying causes of problems, promote positive changes and enhance personal growth. It is important that the professional who assists you has the necessary certifications. The certification guarantees academic and ethical support, ensuring a professional and effective approach to addressing emotional conflicts.

It is advisable to consider therapy when experiencing emotional or psychological difficulties that affect quality of life, relationships, work performance or general well-being. Some signs include feelings of persistent sadness, intense anxiety, difficulty managing stress, constant feelings of guilt,self-demands excesses, self-esteem problems, recurrent interpersonal conflicts or difficulties in facing difficult life situations.

There are different therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, humanistic therapy and couples therapy (among others). Each approach has its own techniques and goals, and the choice depends on individual needs and preferences.

Thepsychotherapy involves regular sessions with a therapist, in a confidential and safe environment. During sessions, challenges are explored, conscious or unconscious patterns of thinking and behavior are identified, coping skills are acquired, and therapeutic goals are established. The therapist provides support, guidance and tools to facilitate personal change and growth.

The duration of individual therapy varies depending on the needs and circumstances of each person. Some problems can be resolved in a few sessions, while others may require a longer-term approach. The therapist will evaluate the individual's progress and evolution, adapting treatment as necessary.

Before going to psychotherapy, it is important that you take into account some that may be useful to you. You do not have to comply with all of them to the letter, but you do have to consider them as elements that may be important at the beginning of a psychotherapeutic process.

Identify needs and objectives:

  • Clarify the reasons for seeking psychotherapy.

Select a suitable professional:

  • Look for duly certified and experienced psychologists.

Readiness for collaboration:

  • Be open to collaboration and active participation in the therapeutic process.
  • Have a commitment to change and self-reflection.

Open communication:

  • Establish open and honest communication with the therapist.
  • Express expectations and concerns from the beginning of the process.

Consistency and persistence:

  • Recognize that progress can take time.
  • Maintain consistency in scheduled sessions.

By considering these guidelines, you can maximize the benefit of psychotherapy and create an environment conducive to personal and emotional growth.

Yes, psychotherapy can be very beneficial. It provides a safe and confidential space to express emotions, explore thoughts and behavior patterns, and gain tools to cope with challenges in a healthy way. Therapy can help overcome obstacles, promote emotional well-being, and enhance personal growth.

According to Erikson's theory of development, the following evolutionary crises are identified at different stages of life:

Adolescence: Identity crisis, which involves the search and formation of a coherent identity.

Youth: Intimacy crisis, focused on establishing meaningful and lasting relationships. Crisis de intimidad, centrada en establecer relaciones significativas y duraderas.

Early adulthood: Generativity crisis, implying the contribution to the well-being of future generations.

Old age: Integrity crisis, which involves reflection on life and acceptance of its totality.

These crises represent essential normative challenges for psychological development across the lifespan.

It is crucial to note that these evolutionary crises are dynamic and are not experienced uniformly in all people. The influence of individual, cultural and environmental factors contributes to the variability in the experience of these stages throughout development. Furthermore, the ways of confronting and resolving these crises can differ widely, underscoring the complexity and uniqueness of the human experience at each stage of life.

Relationship conflicts are situations in which a divergence of interests, needs or expectations arises between individuals, whether in the context of a couple, family, friendships or work. Effectively managing these conflicts involves communication skills, empathy, and problem-solving strategies. Encouraging openness to dialogue, active listening, seeking compromise, and setting clear boundaries are key approaches. Additionally, recognizing and understanding the emotions involved helps create space for mutual understanding and building healthier, more resilient relationships.

Psychotherapy plays a critical role in helping people better cope with and manage relationship conflict. Some of the specific benefits include:

Development of communication skills: Psychotherapy provides a safe space to explore and improve communication skills, facilitating the effective expression of thoughts and emotions.

Self-knowledge: It helps people understand their own needs, desires and behavioral patterns, facilitating greater awareness during conflicts.

Empathy and understanding: Encourages empathy toward others, promoting understanding of others' perspectives and emotions during conflictive situations.

Management of stress and emotions: It provides tools to manage stress and regulate emotions, which contributes to a calmer and more thoughtful response in the midst of conflicts.

Problem resolution: Facilitates the identification of practical and constructive solutions to conflicts, promoting a collaborative approach to addressing challenges.

Problem resolution: Facilitates the identification of practical and constructive solutions to conflicts, promoting a collaborative approach to addressing challenges.

In summary, psychotherapy provides a structured and supportive space to develop key skills that improve the ability to cope and manage relationship conflict in a healthier and more effective way.

Grief is a natural, emotional response to the loss of something significant, whether it be a person, a relationship, health, or a life situation. It involves a process of adaptation to absence and reconstruction of life after loss. Facing this process involves recognizing and expressing emotions, seeking support, and implementing commemorative rituals to honor the loved one or the lost situation.

In this context, psychotherapy emerges as a valuable resource. By providing a structured therapeutic space, it facilitates deep exploration of emotions, understanding the underlying meaning of the loss, and developing adaptive strategies. The guidance of a psychotherapy professional becomes essential to navigate emotional complexities and promote a deeper and more constructive grieving process. Therapeutic intervention contributes to the formation of a comprehensive framework for adaptation to the new reality and the achievement of sustained emotional well-being.

Coping with breakups in various areas of life can be challenging, as it involves adjusting to new realities and dealing with complex emotions. In this process, psychotherapy emerges as a valuable tool. It provides a safe space to explore and process the emotions linked to the breakup, facilitates healthy coping strategies, and promotes personal growth. Guidance from a psychotherapy professional offers specialized support, contributing significantly to more effective adaptation and continued emotional well-being in the midst of change and loss.

Dealing with professional conflicts can be complex and overwhelming. Psychotherapy emerges as an essential resource in this context, providing a dedicated space to explore and understand the challenges associated with career choice, job dissatisfaction and burnout. The benefits of psychotherapy include developing greater clarity in career decision making, strategies for managing work stress, and revitalizing job satisfaction. The professional guidance of a therapist offers specialized support to address these conflicts, promoting personal growth and building a more balanced and satisfying professional life.

Stress, anxiety and distress are common challenges that affect quality of life. Psychotherapy is positioned as a fundamental resource to address these problems. By providing a supportive space, psychotherapy helps identify sources of stress, understand anxiety patterns, and address emotional distress. The guidance of a psychotherapy professional becomes an effective path towards relieving stress, managing anxiety and overcoming anguish, cultivating a more balanced and satisfying life.

Facing fears, phobias, and obsessions can be a significant challenge. Psychotherapy is presented as an essential tool to address these aspects. By providing a safe and supportive space, psychotherapy helps identify the roots of fears, unravel phobias, and address obsessions. The benefits of psychotherapy in this context include building coping strategies, reducing the intensity of irrational fears, and promoting healthier thought patterns. With the guidance of a psychotherapy professional, a path is created towards overcoming these challenges, allowing a freer and more balanced life.

Coping with eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or vigorexia, can be a challenging process, but it is essential to regain physical and mental health. Psychotherapy emerges as a crucial tool in this journey towards healing. By providing a safe and supportive space, psychotherapy helps explore the deep roots of EDs, identify dysfunctional thought patterns, and foster a healthy relationship with food.

Psychotherapy offers essential support. It helps manage emotions, reduce stress and address psychological aspects related to these experiences, promoting emotional well-being and improving quality of life.

Customer Reviews:

Our experience of more than 5 years in the sector supports us, but the most important thing is the people who increasingly benefit from our services. Here is a sample of it:

Integral approach

Personalized attention

First session free